Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Spring Blog #3: The Hero of History

Image result for jesusEver since we entered school, we've been subjected to long history lessons. We are taught everything that ever happened from Pangaea to the 2012 election. We learn of the major figures of history, good and bad. But what person is the most important in history?
This is a very controversial question. Everyone would have their own opinion, creating a bigger issue than the white-gold/black-blue dress. In order to be the best of the best, though, we can't look at philosophies, at what figures hoped to do. We have to look at what impact they left on this Earth. That one criteria drastically narrows the qualifying pool. But the one person who accomplished more than any other, was Jesus.
Yes, Jesus of Nazareth, main figure of the New Testament, born in Bethlehem, that Jesus. And no, it is not because I am a Catholic, so I vote that way by default. If I was, I would vote God, but he's not exactly human. In any case, Jesus changed more on earth than anybody else ever has. He revolutionized the Roman Empire. He created a new religion. He inspired generations of leaders to come, and was the source of the idea of civilian disobedience which would later be the motivation of Thoreau, Emerson, and Gandhi. His actions created ripples that are still being felt 2000 years after his death. Jesus, and Jesus alone, has accomplished the most in human history. Ever.
PS In all likelihood, Jesus was black. Just saying.

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