Friday, October 31, 2014

Blog #7: Return to the Wild

An all-expense paid trip to the beautiful and remote American wilderness. No responsibilities, and no worries. But wait: there's a catch. no communication with the outside world, and worst of all, no video games or internet. Now, should I accept?
Despite my generation being raised on technology, i could manage a month without video games or internet. I've been grounded and restricted from it enough to find new ways to entertain myself. I'm an avid book reader, and love music, and both are allowed.
Another problem is food. The kitchen is well-stocked, but what does that mean? As a teenage boy hitting yet another growth spurt, I am hungry ALWAYS. What is a well-stocked kitchen to someone else, might last me two weeks. And my being athletic means I would require even more calories. Additionally, I have a sensitive diet. But seeing as how the question was ambiguous towards this, I'll just assume the kitchen was tailored to fit my needs and ignore the issue.
Finally, the biggest problem of all: isolation. Now, I wouldn't exactly call myself a social butterfly, but I do really on being social. Evolution has lead us to live in groups, otherwise we's all live alone and the human race would die out from lack of reproduction. Being left alone, even for a month, has a big effect on people. Some reach enlightenment, like Buddha, while others go insane, like King George III. When left to our thoughts, their is the pure version of us, and only the pure version of us. Without social constructs to temper our psyche, we reach new levels of consciousness, for better or for worse. Often hallucinations occur. The biggest problem with isolation, is the effect is unpredictable and unique to each individual.
Do I accept?


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